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The Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation

In 1982, R&B superstar and legendary stage performer Teddy Pendergrass became a quadriplegic after an automobile accident. He was left paralyzed from his chest down.

Teddy spent the years following the accident driven by a desire to make a difference in the lives of others with spinal cord injuries (SCI).

Through the generosity of people like you, our work can make a difference to millions of people around the world. Your gift to the Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is a contribution to life, hope and possibility.

According to 2018 data from the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, about 12% of persons with SCI are employed on year after an SCI injury; about one third is employed by 20 years post-injury.

People with SCI can lead productive and successful lives.  The Teddy and Joan Pendergrass Foundation brings together the resources people need to make this possible.

A spinal cord injury changes a person’s life; it doesn’t end it. You can make a tax-deductible donation to help SCI survivors today.

Phone: 781-437-4051
Mail: 188 William Penn Drive Jeffersonville. PA 19403

PayPal: Donate

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